The purple surface and the blue surface clearly intersect, and intersect fully enough to do a mutual trim. But it simply won’t work. Cases like this normally are caused by…
Month: December 2008
Just so you know, I’m writing this blog post at 5:15 AM. I’m not a morning person, so something has kept me up 3 hours past my bedtime. What…
Ok, this looks minor. But it’s not. It’s potentially huge and costs me or my customers vast amounts of rework time for nothing. I was working on a complex surfaced…
On Shaan Hurley’s Between The Lines AutoCAD blog you can read about Inventor Fusion, shown at Autodesk University. Am I going to review this one too? Probably not unless it gets some positive…
Ok, you guys got me started on this. Now I can’t stop. I’ve been reading a book about Rhino 4.0. After writing my own book, suddenly the flaws in other…
If you’re a little turned off by all of the social networking stuff like Twitter or Facebook, don’t worry, you’re not alone. That kind of thing has its place, but…
Here’s another shape concepting tool. Like Cosmic blobs except possibly cooler. It’s calledShapeShop, and it’s severely cool. As you’d expect, it’s a mesh modeler, capable of exporting *.obj files. Great…
I caught some flak for saying that the best way to get a feature into SolidWorks was to ask Inventor for it (last paragraph). Well, it turns out there was more…
SolidWorks Labs is a bit of a place for SW Corp to make untested ideas available to the SW using public. It’s way better than just putting it into the SW…