Flexible Design Intent
The first time I saw a demo like this, I flipped. This kind of history-independent power should really be turning some heads. Just to sum it up for you, what it happening in the video below is that you can make features dependent on existing geometry, and then use either the new or old geometry as driving features. No stupid tricks, this is just the way it works. To Solid Edge, it’s just geometry. There is no method to make it, no forced metaphors like baking a recipe, or writing a computer program. It’s just geometry. Think about changing sketches, and that’s the kind of flexibility you have with changing 3D parts in Solid Edge Synchronous Technology.
Of course, Solid Edge has the history-based way of working as well. They don’t force you down one road or the other. In fact, you can have one part where you combine methods, and use Synchronous for the main body edits, and then History for the details. In fact, we find that this is the better way to work in a lot of cases.
This video trims it down to just a couple of the many extremely potent benefits of working with Synchronous. On the Fly design intent. and the power of using both methods.