Evan Yares started writing interesting articles on his own blog some time ago, and then recently shifted to writing for Design World, a publisher that I flirted with a little…
Category: cloud
CAD in the Cloud, for whatever reason or reasons, turns out to be a very polarizing topic. We’ve seen it here on this blog numerous times. People who advocate for…
Although SolidWorks hasn’t been considered a technological backwater for some time, I fear the day is not far away when even Dassault will start calling it that. Pay close attention…
SolidWorks recent development resources are reportedly being used to develop IT answers to questions you may not have asked. People buy CAD software for several reasons, but I would guess…
I really dislike continuing this discussion, but it kind of supersedes everything else. “CAD” development has been short circuited and hijacked by cloud development that doesn’t offer any real benefits. Especially when…
SolidWorks first foray into the cloud has been n!Fuze, an online sharing and markup app. It is widely seen as a flop as a product. Problems with the implementation and…
[pullquote]This means no more piracy.[/pullquote]Now if I had said something like this, or if Neil would have said it, it would have been seen as highly cynical and an example…
“Innovation” is a word that’s easy to write, but it’s much harder to actually achieve in the product design world. And even if you do in fact “innovate”, innovation of itself is not always…
Jimmy Bergmark, on his blog JTB World announces a design review product from Autodesk. It’s called QuickShare, from Autodesk Labs, and it might remind you of something else you may have heard about lately. This…
n!Fuze has finally been released for the masses. You can use it for $70/month, but there are only two increment choices at this time: 12 months for $840 or 3 months…