Hire Me
After a long break, I’m ready to get back into the contracting/consulting world.
I have four main skills for which you might want to hire me:
- Modeling and design, surfacing, plastics design, reverse engineering
- CAD Admin consulting
- Training
- Technical writing or editing
I can handle work on a job quote basis, or an hourly basis. Single parts or moderate assemblies. Medical, decorative, organic, functional, mechanisms.
I’ve completed dozens of projects for large corporations and for individual inventors.
For first time customers I require 25% down to start the job. For return customers in good standing, monthly payments unless otherwise negotiated.
I can work on-site or remotely. I’ve been doing remote work for a decade, so this is not a learning experience for me.
I have been using SolidWorks since 1997, and have a mechanical engineering degree from RIT.
I consider my resume to be this blog, my published books, and various models I have displayed online. If you want examples of specific work, I may be able to provide it, but remember that much of the work I have done is proprietary, and many clients require confidentiality in the same way that you will require confidentiality.
Scheduling varies. Sometimes a call goes right to the top of the list. Sometimes you may have to wait a little bit. I’ll be as up front with you as possible about where your job sits on that continuum. I often work outside of normal business hours to help keep work flowing.
Typically the work I’ve done comes in a couple of categories;
- Force augmentation, when you just don’t have the local talent to complete something out of the ordinary,
- For individual inventors I have replaced a CAD/Engineering/Industrial
Design department
- Training for individuals on specific topics or for a group on general topics
- To fill the role of a CAD Administrator for a specific project or to mediate a dispute about how to proceed for modeling, network, PDM or best practice type issues.
The best way to contact me initially is through email.
All the best Matt!
Excellent examples Matt!
As I may have mentioned to you before, I would be more than willing to help you out as appropriate, particularly if you get overwhelmed by mechanical design or documentation work. I am in a temporary lull at the moment and could afford to spend the time to lighten your burden if that becomes necessary
Thanks for any opportunity which may come my way…