First, if you haven’t done it already, go over to the Novedge blog and read Franco Folini’s interview with Matt Sederberg. Most of my blog readers should know that Matt Sederberg is…
What if you wanted to model a shape like this? where would you begin? This is certainly complex, but all of the faces are planar. Well, this challenge isn’t…
In one of Dan Staples recent comments, he reacts against the term “dumb brep”. First, I need to explain brep. B-rep is “boundary representation”, which means basically the set of…
There is a good discussion going on about Direct Editing technology between Paul Hamilton, Deelip,Ken Wong, Ralph Grabowski, and CEOs of Think3, Alibre, a founder of Spaceclaim, and a lot of other folks…
Jeff Mirisola is the first person to review the Surfacing book. Check out his review. I personally really like this book. Of course I’m a bit biased. You can say…
Its lacking some detail, and its a definite hack job, but this is all the time I could put into it. There are not a lot of detail images…
(Image from ASME Y14.41-2003 publication) Does anyone use the 3D standards as laid out in ASME Y14.41-2003? Have you used them as a reference for your own company standard?…
My experience installing Windows 7 was not bad. I downloaded the 3.5 GB file, burned it to a DVD, and rebooted my machine with it in the drive. The Siamese Fighting…
Ed posted this as a comment, but I thought it works better as a top level post. I’ve seen ed post this before on the SolidWorks forums. Thanks to…
Ed Cyganik, or “Eddie” as many folks know him, is a fellow I’ve known for a number of years, going back to my days working for SolidWorks resellers in Western…