Podcast Interview Online Now
I was approached a while back to do an interview with the new incarnation of the old PLMWorld organization. Some of you have just spit your coffee all over your monitor, and for that I’m sorry, I should have offered some sort of warning. The rest of you are wondering why you should care about that. My history with PLMWorld is colorful but uninteresting, and it turns out that the new organization, Digital Enterprise Society, doesn’t have anybody who remembers or cares, not sure

Maybe I should restart.
The Digital Enterprise Society is a group that is trying to bring together people around the topic of Product Lifecycle Management. Still, they asked me if I’d like to do an interview. I looked through their website, which is heavily “enterprise” and fairly corporate-focused, and really wasn’t sure “why me”, but we went ahead and did it anyway.

So today, they posted a 36 minute podcast of me blathering on about everything except the one thing I really wanted to talk about. I must have talked for 10 minutes about playing music and being in the Navy, and who knows how I spent the rest of the time. But I didn’t spend it talking about my Surfacing Episode website. Geez. I had one thing to talk about it, and I never got there.
Anyway, if you still want to listen to the podcast, here’s a link. If you want to see what the Surfacing Episode website is, here’s another link.
The interview tried to cram too much information into a small time, and I hemmed and hawed too much. We spend time on career advice, 3d printing impact on engineering, a bit of comparing Dassault and Siemens from a corporate philosophy point of view…. I recommend the podcast if you’re having trouble sleeping.
The guys doing the podcast, Craig and Thom were great guys, but they might want to get someone to do some audio editing for them. They could have saved about 5 minutes of podcast time by cleaning up my slow talk, and removing all of the irrelevant stuff I couldn’t seem to avoid.
Do we have any members of the Digital Enterprise Society here (hi Ryan;o)) who want to maybe give them a plug?
C’mon Matt, You did better than that. DES is more about developing the workforce of future for 4th industrial revolution (4IR). PLM is part of this but we like to focus more on the person in the holy tech trilogy of People, Process and Technology.
That’s why personal story is highlighted. We are interested in how your experiences are affecting others and how you got to where you are.
“I recommend the podcast if you’re having trouble sleeping.” Ha! Must be awesome.
I meant this particular episode, not the show in general. But you have to admit, PLM is such an exciting topic.ssssnnnnnn…. Still, some people clicked on that link. Must have been a rough day somewhere.