SolidWorks Surfacing Bible Update!

even used, are worth that much to some people.
It seems like there are still some people out there buying the original 2008 SolidWorks Surfacing and Complex Shape Modeling Bible. It’s still a great book, but it’s now only available in eBook format. And its 12 years out of date.
Some of you might still not know that I’ve completely rewritten this information with new example models and updated the text for all of the new features in the software up through 2020.

The new book is written as a subscription website which includes:
- updates and changes
- download models
- videos
- search function
- interactive comments area with answers directly from the author

It is broken up into 5 sections:

- Theory and concepts: ideas are explained to give an understanding of what’s going on behind the interface
- Tools: explanation of each of the surfacing features
- Techniques: specialized examples of sets of tools used in combination to produce a more sophisticated effect
- Examples: 12 chapters of going through the decision making process for building models including emblem, aircraft, car body, plastic bottle, helmet, sunglasses, splitting a mold, and decorative furniture. These chapters cover the tools and techniques in deeper detail.
- Best practice: This is a shortcut to the experience it has taken me 20 years to gain.

The book is written from the point of view of an engineer tasked with creating industrial design type models. This is not intended to be a text book, although you can approach it like a course on the subject. You can use it as a reference to help you research and understand various topics, although there are pre-requisites, and you have to understand the basics before diving in to the deeper subjects.
The screen captures are all direct-from-CAD, not renderings, so what you see in the book is the way it can look on your screen. My job here is not to make the software look good, but to help you understand what you can and cannot expect the software to do.

You can sign up for annual access designed to be about the cost of a book. There is also a monthly access rate meant to be an inexpensive trial. From time to time I offer free access to a single page, but this is only a taste.

So if you liked the original book, or you never saw the original and want to get in on the new book, this is your opportunity.