Splines Chapter of Surfacing Site

The Splines chapter of the new surfacing site has 6300 words, 2 videos (14 minutes of video total) and 51 images. And there are 30 some chapters in addition to the Splines chapter. This is probably one of the most valuable chapters on the site, just because of some of the changes in splines in the last several releases. I learned a lot writing and editing the chapter with the help of Alin Vargatu, who is helping with the technical editing.
$20 is a steal for all of this information. The previous book is selling for $80-120+ for a used book. This new site is newer with more info, and easier to read the way you want to read it.

Even the SolidWorks advanced surfacing class is something I initially wrote in 2008, and while it has been updated, it hasn’t been updated by someone who makes their living doing surfacing. And we all know that while the SW official classes are good, they are also expensive.
So I just want to invite you to get in on the fun early, before all the material is finished and in place. When it is complete, the price is going to go up. Here’s how:
- Go to site
- Click on Buy Now
- PayPal or CC $20 for a year’s access
- Fill in your registration info and get your password
- Start reading, watching, modeling.