Books Clearance: Low Prices to Clear out my Closet
I’ve got a pile of books that aren’t doing me any good. Plus, my wife wants some space in the tech closet.
So. For a reasonable fee I’ll ship you (IN THE US) junk out of my closet! That includes shipping. Just send the money to my PayPal account (matt at dezignstuff dot com – please use Friends and Family option, if you can) along with your name, your address and which book you want.
The books are all new, although I do have some markup copies if you’d prefer to have one where I’ve made notes for the next version. Also, if you want a signed copy, I can do that. I continue to be baffled by why people want me to scribble in books, but it happens.
These are the books that are available:

- Mastering SolidWorks – $25 each –
53 available - SolidWorks 2013 Bible – $15 each –
10 available - SolidWorks 2011 Parts Bible – $10 each – 2 available
- SolidWorks 2011 Assemblies Bible – $10 each – 14 available
- SolidWorks 2007 MARKUP – $10 each – 1 available
- SolidWorks 2009 MARKUP – $10 each – 1 available
Just a few comments. Prices include shipping (IN THE US), some of these books include a DVD which has sample parts, possibly videos, and other reference material. Some of the books come with instructions for downloading the material. All of the books are new, except the markups. The DVDs on some of the older books may be cracked (physically broken), but you can get the data from the Wiley website, or maybe from me, if you ask nice.
All of the books are offered AS-IS, and this is first-come-first-served. That means first with the money delivered to my paypal. These prices are only good for these specific books shown in the picture above, once they are gone, the deal is over.
The 2011 books were divided into Parts and Assemblies volumes. We didn’t sell as many books this way, so we recombined the information into the larger 2013 book. So it’s mostly the same info, I can’t guarantee that we didn’t leave some out in 2013. There may be some duplicated data between the parts and assemblies books.
The markup copies are books I scribbled notes in. Someone may find these interesting, but in the end, they are just books I scribbled notes in. The 2007 book was the first in the series, so get your copy before the Smithsonian starts looking for these and the price goes up ;op
I just put the Surfacing book in there to tease you. I’ve seen these listed on Amazon used for $300+. Geez. If they sell many of those, they’ll probably make more money on the book than I did! Anyway, it’s not for sale, but if anyone has an idea of what to do with a surfacing book (written in 2008 on 2009 software), let me know. I’ve only got 3 of these, and I’m only willing to part with one. It was the only book done in color, and as it turns out, my favorite (awwww).
Well, I see a BOXX in the picture..boy, is someone spoiled?
The 2013 books are all gone.
Only 3 left of the Mastering SolidWorks
Don’t you know someone who wants a 2011 Assemblies book?
Matt, your books are golden books for SOLIDWORKS users and those are being used/referred throughout the community. Even the old versions are still gold. Glad to have some of them with me.
Thanks for sharing the news on your upcoming book, look forward to it.
Thanks for the comment, This means a lot coming from someone of your stature in the SolidWorks world!
Jehan, according to my records, there were about 8000 of the surfacing books printed, but they never printed any more, and we never did a second edition. Thanks for picking up the other titles, though!
If you stick around, I should have a new digital edition Surfacing book done by the end of the summer. It will be fully online with new content, and all of the updated features in SW covered. After that probably a plastics digital edition published.
Guess that’s the future trend, online digital content. As much as I read online, I find reading book content on a browser or tablet “off” for some reason. I had an ebook once, read 35 of the 1000 pages over a few days and trailed off thinking I just wasn’t interested in the story. Received the physical book as a gift a year later and finished it in a few weeks (probably faster if I had more time).
yes, I resisted the original move from local help to online help. I’m not a big fan of ebooks, but there are several things driving my decision to move my content online.
So does that make me a hypocrite? Maybe. But so what. I make decisions about things where I think the benefits are. I’m sure there will be other people who deliver print books, but I’m pretty sure I won’t be one of them. The new stuff will be cool. Videos and (if I can figure it out) 3D models embedded right into the page. Updates much faster. I’m not sure if fewer layers of editing will be a good thing or a bad thing, but we’ll find out.
I have only surfacing bible missing