34 Replies to “Contact”

  1. Hi Matt,

    Do you know when the SW 2013 Advanced and/or Bundle products will be available for purchase on InfiniteSkills.com?

  2. Hello Matt,

    Really like your books. Just purchased Solidworks 2013 Bible for my iPad and cannot find the downloadable content at http://booksupport.wiley.com. When I enter the ISBN number it reports no records found! Where can I get to the downloadable content?


    Joe Posge

  3. Hello Matt,

    I found your part series on master model, but I can’t seem to find part 1 and 2… Are they still available?

    Thank You

    1. I’ve seen several folks with that. My site provider can fix this, but not sure if its per individual or what. I’ll get it fixed.

  4. Matt,

    Long story short, you need to check out NX. I think you’ll find that many of the shortcomings you have been unhappy about in SW are already solved. Just not in SW !

    Non-history based parametric “sketching”, is a standard function in NX. It also handles multiple bodies within the one part file as if it was meant to be like that.

    My main CAD experience for many years was Rhino3D and Icemsurf, which I used to model complex 3D surfaces. So compared to that, I found parametric modelling to be like modelling on autopilot. I’m not a current Solidworks user, although I did use it for about a year back in ’06. I’ve also breifly used Solidedge, Catia, and Inventor.

    I’ve been using NX5 full time for 2 years now. I’m hoping the company I work for will be upgrading to NX7.5 soon. Although I haven’t had a massive amount of experience in all softwares, I’m confident to say that since going to NX5, I couldn’t imagine “regressing” to anything else.

    Yes NX costs more. But at the end of the day, if CAD is the tool of your trade, and you’re a master tradesman working with your tools for 8-10 hours a day, then the additional cost could be justified.

    Dassault needs to get their heads out of the “cloud”, and start developing functionality that the people who actually use the software want. Not some bullshit marketing hype aimed at dazzling IT departments…

  5. Matt,

    I’ve recently completed multiple CAD courses using most of the popular software packages including solidworks. I’ve become proficient with all the tools but I feel like I may have missed some of the finer points with regard to best practices, i.e. geometry creation, feature organization, model tree etc. I just purchased (not received) your 2011 parts book and plan to get the surfacing book as well. Do you discuss best practices in any of your books and if no could you recommend one?


  6. crack disc, just go to you’re local library and check the book out. They had it at our liberty system.

  7. HI I’m student working on car design. I’m trying to model a car in solid works. Asusal its hard for me to design But i’m trying my best to design it. I would like to know how to design a gear! Not only spur gear but all the types of gear. I would really appricate if you can provide me how to draw all the types of gears in any deisgn software. As your master in design softwares can you please help me out with this? I’m trying to learn to design a gear in a Soildworks from past 10 days but failed all the time. Please help me out in desining. In between I have all the dimensions required like pitch, base, root, outside diameters, pressure angle, adendum dedendum clearance.

  8. just bought solidworks 2011 parts bible.have tried playing accompanying dvd but am getting no pictures,only sound.any ideas please?

  9. Hi Jess,
    Thanks for that… interestingly I have tried the following in SolidWorks:

    1. A Fentek (www.Fentek-Ind.com) high precision LTracX Large Trackball – it was difficult to use the buttons while rolling the ball @ the same time. Maybe feet operated buttons would be the go?

    2. An expensive 3DConnexion (www.3dconnexion.com) SpaceNavigator – the SpaceMouse Pro MIGHT be useful with buttons assigned to Standard Views. Used the SpaceNavigator on a HUGE (imported) Assembly & it didn’t cope at all well. Get this – you still need a mouse too for other App’s!

    3. A Logitech (www.logitech.com) MX Revolution M-RBQ124 – nice & comfortable laser mouse, but started playing up (this could have been the root cause of my pain, but I’ll put it down to its age (when rechargeable batteries start to go I figure it’s time for a new mouse & maybe fluff got into the button workings too)

    4. I now have an Evoluent (http://www.evoluent.com) Wireless VerticalMouse 3 – VERY NICE mouse the good thing being there’s hardly any learning curve (buttons are the same as a 3 button mouse & your hand is vertical rather than horizontal… BRILLIANT!)

    I understand other 3D packages don’t have the same ease of View manipulation that SolidWorks has & this is where the likes of the 3D Mice come into their own

    Long story short – just get an Evoluent VerticalMouse & have a go


  10. Great!! I’ll pass the word around to my fellow solidwork user’s…. And i’ll try this tonight… after im done with the walking dead…lol…

  11. Is it just me? Or is it hard play the dvd? I cant play the solidworks 2011 bible dvd… what the heck… suggestions ANYONE ? Please….

  12. Matt, I have purchased from Amazon.con in December a copies of SolidWorks Administration Bible and SolidWorks 2011 Assemblies Bible to go along with my SolidWorks 2011 Parts Bible. The problem is that the SolidWorks 2011 Assemblies Bible is missing pages 451 thru 498 which includes Chapter 20 Amazon has sent me a replacement book but that is also missing the same pages. Are you aware of this problem? It looks like this problem is with the binding of the book (Wiley’s mistake) Amazon is going to look into this but I wanted to give you a head’s up. I know you have nothing to do with this at this point, but mabe you can let Wiley know there is a problem (if they do not already know)

  13. Hi Matt,
    Got some of your books & appreciate the honest approach you have

    I found this interesting blog http://www.dezignstuff.com/blog/?p=4510 you had going about ergonomic mice & got a fentec trackball I’m using

    I’ve chucked my hard copy out now & typical my Boss wants to investigate ergonomic mice too

    Do you know how I can check that blog out again?

    Thanks in advance

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