Solid Edge Terminology
Works users, what is it about Solid Edge that you would like to know? I’ve been putting together a list of equivalent terms, and I need to keep expanding it.
For example, Works and Edge both use the terms sketch, profile and region, but in different ways in some cases. I never looked at the way Works uses those terms as confusing, but I guess it might be, especially if you take the terminology seriously.
Mates have some funny connotations in Edge, and Relate or Relations might mean different things.
Inter-part is like in-context.
SW Configuration is like family of parts/family of assemblies and simplified representation
SW display state is like SE display configuration
SW Lightweight is like SE Active
SE’s “ERA” is “Explode Render and Animate”, as a separate environment. In SW explode is part of the Configuration interface, Render is Photo
What terminology or equivalence things make you scratch your head?
I need a comparison of terms, between SolisdEdge and SolidWorks