Topic Ideas
If you’re interested in learning about a Solid Edge topic or just think a public discussion on a particular topic would be beneficial, leave a comment and start a discussion. I’m interested in hearing from you. Whether you’re a new user, an old user or just someone who’s curious, I want to know what you want to know about Solid Edge. If you don’t ask, it won’t get discussed.
Love to see more articles written that show a specific design task that uses both SolidWorks and Solid Edge processes and discusses the pros/cons of each.
Ken, I’d love this too. Unfortunately I don’t have the SE software to do it, and I think I’d lose the friends I have left at SW if I did it. People get really touchy about direct comparisons. I looked into doing a “CAD Olympics” several years back.
Hi Sir,
I just bought your book Mastering Solidworks. Could I have a humble request of you Sir to share how to handle fabric modeling, surface modeling and bagpack modeling both sketching and FEA simulation accurately on the bag. I am Mechanical Engineering Student, but I want to design some bags for handicap old people on my free time. Sorry for these inconveniences caused.
Thank You
Fabric modeling is not something that is a real strength of Solidworks. I believe there is a tool out there specifically for that, but if you’re just kind of a hobbyist you might be able to get decent results from SW. The thing I’d keep in mind is that fabric really only bends in one direction at a time. Some fabric can really stretch, but mostly it just bends in one direction at a time. kind of like sheet metal in that respect. You might be able to make sheet metal do what you want it to do. There is also a function to flatten surfaces, but that may or may not take you where you want to go.
Best of Luck.
Hey I just got my hands on the book mastering solidworks, I was wondering if you have any youtube channel or videos to show which is your usual workflow, like how you do everything, pretty much see you working on a project.
If you got the Mastering SolidWorks book, there are dozens of videos you can download with that. I have a youtube channel, but it’s not up to date. All my latest videos are downloads.
Hi. It would be really great if you can provide insight on “System Requirements for Solidworks”. It includes various non-mechanical words like multi threading,how cores are used by SW etc. May be just you can give it a thought!
Hey Matt,
I just left you a ‘plug’ on Fusion 360 idea requests forum
Title: An Advanced ‘Fusion360 Bible’ with all the tips n tricks
all true BTW
PS some browsers wont open your website and say: ‘danger’ – proceed with care (no https I guess)
Hey matt, how is SE on equation and parameter driven design?
we currently use an old version of proe for standard-ish parts that is driven by a text file and further equations. I quite like the arrangement (when you rebuild, you have an option to read the file or just with old values), but i don’t like proe much.
What does SE hold in that regard, would it be better then proe/ creo?
parts are custom axial and radial bearings (variances in seals, dia, ball dia, holes etc).
a lot of them are >1m in dia.
a common problem is that threaded holes are on one side, while c’bored are on another, requiring manual modelling.
Is OTE coming alive again? I attended the AERO convention in Germany this spring. It was strange being one of the few americans in attendance.
There were many cool and innovative new light aircraft on display that are not seen in USA. There was one thing in common. Almost all were designed using Solidworks. The wings were developed ok. The fuselages had all kinds of surfacing defects, ripples, butt cracks, hogbacks, and poor tangency of fairings. I could see where the designers just had to trim the model and add a tail, that kind of fit the forward part. Once one gets the skill of seeing shapes by reflections or zebra stripes, surfaces start looking very crummy. The SW animations were everywhere.
Where is solid edge? Are the surfaces wonderful?
Reread your posts on and and I’m interested to know how much you adhere to RMS as a best practice, or if it’s just on a case-by-case basis.
I’m very interested in knowing how SE read in a part from SW that is modeled with welding-/multibody functionality – dumb solid or does it recognise the features?. SE, as I understand, use an assembly when creating welded parts. Are there an inteligent way to translate an SW welded structure (both with structural members and plates)? Can ST deal with a multibody?
What is the Class of Solid Edge Surfacing ???
What determines surface Class ???
Comment From Mark Biasotti below from Dezignstuff Blog
May 15th, 2013 at 18:16
Please don’t take my lack of comments on these subjects as I “don’t want to talk about them” but rather – yes, I’m very busy; in fact I’m visiting 6 customers in the indianapolis area right now where it is a toasty 91 deg. – but thank God that the humidity is not to bad… yet.
To answer questions above: A) No, we don’t do Class A surfacing (…yet) B) yes, we are looking to improve the surface analysis tools – and any input here or on the forums is scrutinized; but because “my” vote doesn’t count, please make sure you submit an on line enhancement request, as many of you as possible, because # of request do account for something
Matt, I will consider trying to do a PS of your capital – do you have anything in the way of a 2D print multiple view images of front, right etc. you could send me?
I don’t think there is a formal system to classifying surfaces. It’s more of a visual thing. In general, the best surfaces have curvature continuity (no sudden jumps in curvature) between them except where specified. Some people define Class A as a set of surfaces that maintains curvature continuity (c3/g3) between all adjacent faces. That’s as good as any for a working definition, but I’m sure I could create surfaces that pass that test but aren’t Class A.
Class A has more to do with rate of change of curvature, and rate of change of rate of change. When I think of Class A, I think of curvature combs that are well-ordered. The curvature values don’t seem to wander aimlessly, they are controlled. Not to say they don’t change (arcs), but they change in a mathematical, methodical way. Most SW models are all over the place.
Hi Matt,
I’m interested in the performance of large, multi-discipline assemblies.
Regular models, imported hardware (eg: McMaster-Carr), weldments, routed items (cables) etc… a ‘mechatrronics’ assembly.
Yeah, I’m interested in that. too. I’ve heard of SE handling assemblies up to 100,000. It doesn’t have the same level of purpose-built tools as SW. SE does have a lightweight equivalent, and simplified assemblies, but nothing like LAM, or SpeedPak. But then it doesn’t really need it. The way SE is set up avoids things like rebuilds in the assembly, and configuration problems. It’s easier to keep SE static, so I think it handles large assemblies better just because of its architecture. I will try to get some large data sets and try to come up with a way to quantify the difference, though.
Thanks for the suggestion.
There are over 50 videos on the Ally PLM www site. We host a regular session called Solid Edge Lunch Bytes where we present Solid Edge educational material live and then record the session and post to our web page.
You can find out about Lunch Bytes and find a link to the video library at:
The next Lunch Bytes session is coming up on December 20. The topic: SE Features – rib, web, vent, mounting boss, thin wall, etc.
You can also register to join the live session at the page shown above.
I can post this message every week if you like (sarcasm).
I am sure there are many resources out there however I was only suggesting someone post a link to a topical video each week to augment Matts writings and keep interest and momentum up. Sort of share the workload between the expert sponsor and the enthusiastic but somewhat disadvantaged newbie blogger. I suppose if I was really keen to find out a lot about SE quickly I could just bypass this blog altogether but I’m following along with Matts journey as a fellow SW ‘refugee’. I thought this blog was initiated for the purpose of promoting/familiarising SE to SW users. I see value in that seeing as how people who are very familiar with one CAD program have a bit of a struggle to grasp another and are liable to pause to draw comparisons etc. I think its a good idea to have a hang out like this but I’d like it to be a little more active. I dont see why that should attract sarcasm.
I apologize for the sarcasm part of this posting.
My assumption was that readers here would not want me to make a post every day pointing to one of our videos. I am interested in doing all we can to help readers of Matt’s Blog, but I don’t want to post more here than the readers want and My thought that having a daily post from me would be overkill.
The Sarcasm was not pointed at you, but at the idea that I can post every day, but you probably don’t want to hear from me that much J
Dear Matt, I am new in a company having a history of more than 100 yeares, they tryed Catia recently and now switching to SE. I have 10+ yeares exp. in different parametric CAD packages that includes SE v19 in 2007 and then SW till now, coming back to SE’s new capabilites is so thrilling and I am sure SE going to beat SW in coming years.
I have following issus in which I hope to get answer or even ready to live with that, because the other functionalities are saving my time.
Hi Matt, this matter is progressing in
and I hope Mr.Dan Staples have a look at this. Thanks
solidedge revision manager very awesome tool. Be warned If you don’t know what your doing with it. it will go wrong!!!
Hi Matt, I would love to hear your thoughts on the simulation side of solid edge. My company is in the process of selecting a CAD package and we need to have simulation. I have used solidworks for about 6 years now but after finding this blog I gave solid edge a try and its really starting to grow on me. I was just playing with simulation last night and was very impressed. Not sure if this is an add on ($$$) or if it comes included with a standard solid edge license. Price is the main factor in our decision, I think I can get a good simulation package for much cheaper with solid edge. What are your thoughts?
Thanks for the suggestion. I have not yet tried the simulation. Not even sure if I have it installed to be honest. Back in college, I wanted to minor in FEA, but I had so many music credits, I took that as my minor. It was graduate or pay for two more semesters, so I graduated.
I’ll have a look into the analysis side, and give some thoughts here.
Alan, Matt,
I don’t want to get all “markety” on you since I was the product manager for Solid Edge Simulation a while back. You can probably guess what I would say.
So, I’ll just point you to Madison Rye’s video. She works for Ally but I like her practical and deeper video better than our own Siemens PLM videos.
How about each week someone posts a link to a useful video for newbies to view. Far easier/better to have someone who has experience or expert skills showing others where to go for a decent video than looking all over the internet ourselves. I’d like to make a regular weekly thing of reading here and extending my awareness of SE. Probably Sunday afternoons. I guess Matt has writing commitments and other stuff happening but I’ve been a little disappointed with the content here so far. For one reason or another we keep changing focus/mission and the posts are kind of random and I’m not really getting into it learning about SE as much as I’d like. We are quite lucky to have some good SE people looking in here so why not leverage their knowledge. It is a sponsored blog too so ok why not a little more active promotion to go with Matts exploration… just thinking…
In case you have not seen them, Ally PLM has some videos in our library that cover SE Simulation.
They are at:
There are 3 simulation videos there.
On the pricing front, most customers use Solid Edge Classic. Classic only includes single part analysis called Simulation Express. Solid Edge Simulation is an add on to Solid Edge. It is also included in the Solid Edge Premium package.
how about a topic of the name that the V6
should be fun
1 obvious name is CATIAWorks
Solid Cloud
I’d like to see Solid Edge pricing and what the cost of their Subscription Maintenance is, terms etc.
I don’t have detailed pricing, and for whatever reason, these guys are kinda secretive about that stuff too. I do understand that there are 3 levels, which are priced similarly to the SW equivalents. SE does have more file management options, from the low end to very high end. SE does have a renderer, which I have not yet seen, but want to explore a little. They also have piping, simulation, and a lot of that sort of stuff. The association with Siemens brings a pretty good range of analysis tools. I’ll try to get more details in the pricing and bundling area.
Any company that keeps its pricing a ‘secret’? That’s a big red flag to me, just sayin’
Whenever I’m considering a purchase:
Maybe Solid Edge hasn’t heard of this concept.
If I have to get the ‘price’ from a commission salesman, that’s another red flag. The needs of the commission salesman will trump my needs and I’ll be steered into buying the most costly option.
I couldn’t agree more. With the exception of ZW3D, Alibre and Mechsoft products I have had to dig. Now I am only counting ones I have looked at but NX,SE,SW Inventor have all fallen into the make me tell you category. And then you get to CAM products and it is even worse. See a demo, see a sales guys,do a month long trial and on and on and never a price up front without a hassle.
I guess they figure if the buyer decision is based in large part on price they better get why you need it in there first. Then you get the ones that give you their “best” deal and it changes depending on your resistance so you are trained to never say yes without saying a lot of no’s first. Then you get the ones like Camworks recently did to me and give a good upfront cost but OUTRAGEOUS yearly fees.
It is hard to single a company out for most egregious behavior here as a lot depends on what VAR you talk to. I have been shopping for CAM now for almost nine months and nothing stands out as being worth full ticket price. They all have problems and shopping for software is just a royal PITA.
You are right though about the what do they have to hide perception on the part of user/buyers. I have been through so much junk with CAM that my defenses and a smidgen of hostility are allready there before I even talk to anyone anymore. Its like OK, how’s this one going to waste my time?
Good software compromised before the buyer ever looks at it because of the software industries standard philosophy towards sales.
Then you get the cloud jerks in there and a whole new universe of deception and smoke and mirrors is added to the basic software question set and isn’t THAT fun.
I think price is all relative to your VAR and to your global location. As we all know software of any kind is all priced differently across the world! Don’t forget that factor!
Once you ask your VAR then ask what type of discount or program is running. You can get a 2 for 1 right now! So that would put your entry point well below $4,000 USD per seat!
A good VAR should never try to sell you more functionality than you need, because a good VAR will understand that the relationship between reseller and customer is an ongoing partnership. Your VAR provides the software and support you need to grow your business, and you’re growing business will come to the VAR for more software and value-added services. Up-selling is counter productive because a) it makes it harder to get the relationship going and b) a customer will quickly realize they bought more than they needed, and the VAR loses their trust.
Will be following this blog closely, it will be insightful to see a SolidWorks user transition to SolidEdge.
Key things I’d like to understand about SolidEdge:-
1/ How do you lock design intent without history. I’ve not seen a clear answer to this? I might be looking in the wrong places.
2/ How are configurations handled in SolidEdge, configurations are very powerful in SolidWorks but can also be misused and cause a lot of problems.
3/ Weldments, another great feature in SolidWorks but also brings a lot of frustration. i.e reusing components in other assemblies or weldments (especially with custom properties and BOM’s)
Hi Matt-
I’m interested in the way Solid Edge handles external references, i.e. are the references Open fully, silently when a top level file, drawing, assembly is opened?
I have worked with several CAD programs for years. Now as I started my own company I needed a program that has the benefit to work with several CAD solutions. Because of my experience, I knew I had to try another program. The first order I got, I had to open a large SW assy, make some changes and produce the document package. I opened the assy in SE ST4 with no problem and made the changes. Clearely I had need for support, I posted questions in several userforums and everytime I got the answer. There are a lot of people out there with great skills in SE. I feel that I am a part of a world-wide team.
Best regards,
Hi Matt,
Topic on surfacing in SE !
Easier than SW, more intuitive, class-A with G2, G3, the bleu dot, spline creation, freeform, etc…
Hi Matt,I’d be interested in some toughts on how it is to be a Solid Edge customer.
Maybe you can’t answer this yourself because you’re not a “standard” customer but you could start the discussion and ask people about their experience.
Coming from SolidWorks, we know how the experience can be hawfull with the VAR more often in the way than really helping, the high cost of the maintenance, etc.