This post could have had one of several names. “Hidden Functionality”, “Under-educated Users: Holding Information Hostage”, or “Getting the word out – who’s responsibility is it?” I couldn’t decide which…
Tag: SolidWorks
I haven’t done much technical how-to yet on this blog, so I guess it’s time for a surfacing tutorial. Folks ask for this sort of stuff, and there is precious…
It seems a little surreal, but the day has finally come. The picture is proof that a copy of this has finally landed on my very messy desk. The SolidWorks…
Unless your name is George Carlin or Philip Thomas, there are some things that you just can’t say in public. There are things you shouldn’t say from the podium at a user group meeting…
I want to comment a bit on a couple of posts from some of the other SW blogger types, Rob Rodriguez and Ricky Jordan. Rob did an interview with Kamesh, the…
Isn’t it about time for a radically new interface? How long have we been mousing around? Do you remember what it was like before the mouse? Everything was DOS style text commands.…
Tired of working for “the man”? Doing the work while someone else gets the credit (and the money)? Does the whole corporate world make you sick with its silly sloganeering,…
Today, Jeff Ray was asked about the disruption to the user base caused by changes to the SolidWorks 2008 interface. I was lucky to catch his answer on video.The video is sideways,…
Here’s another one. If you have a Move/Copy bodies feature and the number of bodies changes, you can’t repair the feature. You have to delete it and recreate. Second time…