Disney – Strictly Business
After all of that crazy SolidWorks-in’ at SWW09, Kim and I cut loose and had some fun in the Magic Kingdom. Somebody is going to invent a stick to put your camera on so you can take your own picture more easily, and make millions. You could probably roam the park and make a living taking couple’s pictures with their own cameras for $1, but being Disney, it would be $20.
We also did a day at Epcot, but after one trip through the “orange” level of Mission: Space, I was pretty much done. Test Track was a fun one, but far too short. It has been 30 some years since I was at Disney. Last time I was there Epcot didn’t exist, and Space Mountain was just lifting off. Space Mountain is still a great ride after all those years. The Fast Pass thing is definitely the way to go. You get through the long lines in no time.
We saw plenty of stuff, like an application for the Puffy Cube – The Puffy House! Every wall, roof, ceiling, floor was curved. Unbelievable. Ok, that trip to Disney was tax deductible because I related it to work. Wonder if that’ll fly with the IRS?

We also saw some odd things I couldn’t help but get pictures of. First of all, we stopped in just exactly the right location for a lamp to cover the O in Dumbo. Just a little too perfect. Is a cynical/sarcastic view of the world allowed at Disney?

After that, the similarity between the innocent word “carousel” and the somewhat less innocent “arousal” kind of struck me. Most people who speak English spell so poorly that the difference between the words is likely indistinguishable. I’m always messing with words. It’s a bit of a hobby, or at least I come by it naturally. My dad is widely known as a notorious punster, and this apple has not fallen far from the tree. Never mind that “arousal of progress” makes no sense at all. “Progress of arousal” might have a bit of meaning.
Well, my misdeeds caught up with me in the end, and my torturing of the English language was punished, SolidWorks billboard and all, Williamsburg style:
They let me out eventually, and the Splash Mountain (50 foot vertical log plume drop) and Pirates of the Caribbean rides were great fun, especially in the heat of the day.

At the end of the day, we got perfect seats along Main Street, and watched the fireworks show. Simply spectacular.

Disney is of course a SolidWorks using company, which is another reason to write the trip off as a business expense. Plus, I’m a blog writer, and I was riding the rides doing research for this blog post. I wonder what kind of a laugh this will get from my accountant.