Limited Time Free Access to Surfacing Episode Page

Remember the SolidWorks Surfacing Bible? We sold about 10,000 copies of the book. It was the first of its kind, and it took years for anyone else to write another book to compete with it.

Some of you may not know this, but last year, I wrote the sequel to the SolidWorks Surfacing and Complex Shape Modeling Bible. It is called the Surfacing Episode. The idea was that putting all of the book information into the format of a website would allow me to update it more quickly, and keep Amazon and my publisher’s grubby fingers out of my pockets.

So this website is the sequel to the book? Yes.

In fact, the website has a lot more than the book had. The book was written in 2008, and the website was written in 2019. And it is getting fact checked by real users. And most of the examples in it are new, not taken from the old book. So that’s new models, new text, new images (ok, there are maybe a dozen images out of hundreds from the old book).

Like you, I live in a house. I drive a car. I eat food. And like you, I’ve got to pay for all of that. I don’t get stuff for free. So, what I am asking is that if you are interested in SolidWorks surfacing, that you go over to the Surfacing Episode site, sign up, and help me keep writing stuff that’s informative and fun and unique, if I say so myself. You can sign up for a year for $50 or for a month for $7.50. $50 is about the price of a book, but you also get download models and videos to go with the content.

And today, I’m giving free access to one of the chapters. The Boundary vs Loft chapter is open to the public for a limited time. Dozens of people have already paid for this access, but you’re getting it for free to convince you that the site is worth signing up for.

What else is in the book you ask? Go here and read the table of contents on the right hand side. In addition to explanations of each of the features, there are walk-through examples of downloadable models where I use the tools and techniques I’ve written about earlier.

Some people learn by understanding the tools, and some people learn by seeing the tools in action. This site scratches both itches.

To sign up, click here, and choose either annual or monthly, make the payment, complete the registration, and the site is yours to enjoy.

2 Replies to “Limited Time Free Access to Surfacing Episode Page”

  1. Matt, I checked out your page just for the heck of it. Lot of in depth content! Was amazed at how similar SolidWorks surfacing commands are to Solid Edge surfacing commands, so I was still able to follow along.

    1. Yeah, the boundary is like the bluesurf. There are some interesting differences, advantages on both sides.

      Thanks for stopping by and reading.

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