Next Stop, Nashville

Matt in Roadtrip mode, top down in the Z

I haven’t hit all the topics I wanted to hit on this blog before Solid Edge University. One post on drawings, and none on assemblies means we spent a lot of time looking at parts, and yet there are a lot of topics that haven’t been addressed, like external references, equations, weldments, programming, 3rd party apps, FEA, rendering, file management, CAD Admin, and on and on…

So anyway, I’m now looking forward to meeting some of you in person in Nashville. How many of you will be there? Just leave a comment and I’ll try to make a point of shaking your hand. These events are very important for putting faces and personalities with the on-line persona. The people you meet often turn into folks you can turn to for ideas later on. The software becomes more valuable to you when it is surrounded by a community of people who support one another. I’m not going to get all mushy on you, but even work relationships are important.

I’m arriving Monday, probably mid-afternoon, and plan to have a couple of beers at the reception Monday night. For anyone who wants to give me a call to make sure we meet, you can get my cellphone number from my other site. If you’re not squeamish about leaving your cell phone number on the internet, you can use the Comments area to trade numbers with others to meet up with.

For those of you who can’t go this year, I’ll be posting to this blog, and also to my YouTube channel, such as it is. You may also want to keep an ear to the ground in Twitter, by searching for the hashtag #SEU12, because there will likely be a firehose of tweets if the conference center’s wifi holds up, especially during the general and press sessions. One of the highlights is sure to be the revealing of ST5 on Tuesday 10:30 – noon (central time). If you don’t tune in for anything else, that would be the one thing to tune in for.  I’ve seen a few of the new things in ST5, but I haven’t had the chance to actually use it. I can assure you, there will be a boatload of CAD enhancements, unlike other software that you may be familiar with that adds anything but CAD.

Thanks all, see you soon…


11 Replies to “Next Stop, Nashville”

  1. I’ll be on holiday.  No phone, no internet.  Going to miss being in Nashville live.  Going to miss not being able to follow the live streaming updates just as much.  I’m going to be playing a lot of catch-up the following week.

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