Solid Edge University coming quickly

Solid Edge University is less than two weeks away! I’m getting excited about meeting a new bunch of friends using this software. I’ve met a couple of you already. Dave Ault of course, and Luc Poulin from Solid DNA. I’m sure Solid Edge users are going to turn out to have quite a crop of colorful characters, if the forums are any indication. Part of the excitement for me is just to be involved with a product and company that are starting to make some exciting things happen. The introduction of ST5 will likely be one of the highlights in these 3 days.

If you haven’t checked out the schedule for the event, read about it here. Although I’m technically attending as press, I hope to make it to as many technical sessions as possible. I’m not sure how the courses are organized time wise, I’m sure some of them will be concurrent, and you’ll have to make choices of which to attend. Several sound good to me:

  • 105 Rick Mason – Succeeding with Ordered and Synchronous Features
  • 301 Doug Stainbrook – Tips and Tricks
  • All the Roundtables with Jeff Walker
  • 405 John Pearson – Making Automated Drawings More Productive
  • 501 Art Patrick – Taking Solid Edge Assembly Design to the Next Level: Advanced Topics
  • 602 Doug Stainbrook – Part Modeling Hands On
  • 608 Steve Webb – Explode and Rendering

If any of you have any suggestions or recommendations, let me know. Looks like a good range of topics.

I’ll be looking forward to meeting a bunch of you at the welcome registration Monday night.

5 Replies to “Solid Edge University coming quickly”

  1. Matt, 

    Look forward to meeting you at the event as well.  Will you be in attendance Monday for Developer Day?  (as an aside API maybe another topic for you to cover in your blog)

    I’m certianly interested in Rick Mason’s Succeeding with Ordered and Synchronous Features and also Art Patrick’s Taking Solid Edge Assembly Design to the Next Level: Advanced Topics.

    If you have never met Art before he is a hoot to be around and has a passion for SE Assy that is very infectious.  As an ST5 Beta user I can tell you that Art and I shared some sidebar conversations that make me long for features that we discussed “what-ifs” around. 

    Hands on oppurtunities at the event are great for newer users and those needing/wanting to improve their skills while the round tables offer great oppurtunity to get a voice in front of planning and development if you have IR/ERs you want to discuss.

    Waiting eagerly for the schedule of time slots to be released so I can plan out my entire track…

    Matt J.




  2. 2 weeks…time goes doesnt it…. How will you be covering the event for the blog audience Matt? I’d like to see a few short videos if possible – just some snippets of sessions and a general look around to capture the atmosphere – a tablet or phone camera would do. Maybe also one or two 5 min interviews with important people talking about some surfacing stuff in the pipeline and community initiatives 😉 Doesnt have to be studio grade stuff at all…..

  3. Hi Matt, look forward to seeing you there! I think you will enjoy this years event.

    You hit the nail on the head with the exciting comment as far as I am concerned. We who were fortunate enough to attend the birth of the new Solid Edge last year left thinking we were there when it all began in many ways. I would imagine there was an SW convention of some sort in the late 90’s where users left energised and convinced that the product they were involved with was the new world beater. This is how we felt about SE last year after Huntsville. We knew we had the best product and as for me I was just just waiting for SE and Siemens to start the ecosphere of associated aps and the publicity/user community jugernaught. I think this will happen this year and kick off in Nashville along with gobs of user goodies in the program. It is nice to be where users and geometry creation are important to the software author.

    Heck, pick anything that appeals to you. How can you go wrong? I would for sure recommend Rick’s though. A user since SE V1. He is very talented and he is also one of those who was an ordered only ST resistor at first but now he has been assimilated. Resistance is futile eh Rick?

  4. The topic that I would love to see. Conic lofting surfaces. Conics defined in 8 ways. HOw to use the C2 surface patch.

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